Against All Odds
The History of the United Firefighters Union in Queensland 1917 - 2008
Against all odds - a fitting description on how the UFU has achieved its many gains over many years. Many struggles both internally and externally, have taken place over time to get this Union where it is today - A union that is the envy of other unions. A union that enjoys over 99% membership in a era of falling memberships of unions generally. A union that has demonstrated time and again its ability to properly, and at times, forcefully represent its members.
The United Firefighters Union in Queensland was, is, and always will be a union of firefighters determined to achieve what firefighters deserve - acknowledgement within the community, decent wage rates and living standards and proper recognition of the tasks they perform.
The history of the UFU in Queensland provides but a brief snapshot of the struggles of firefighters over the years to attain these goals. It highlights the personal sacrifices that firefighters who have been entrusted by their peers to represent Queensland Firefighters have endured. It demonstrates the camaraderie displayed by firefighters when the going gets tough. It demonstrates the very makeup of firefighters - ready to take on any challenge.