CODE 2, VOL 30, NO 14 : 20 APRIL 2016
GWN Network
The UFUQ has approached QFES following member reports of concerns over the functionality of the GWN.
We are now in further discussions with the QFES and GWN team regarding the new digital network being developed and implemented in the Southern parts of Queensland.
Coverage and functionality issues are being reported to your union and QFES, particularly regarding coverage inside structures and the radio process required to attend incidents.
I have asked the QFES to review the current protocols and the issue of unreliable radio coverage inside structures.
I will also request that, as soon as possible, the GWN team further consult directly with crews in locations that are experiencing these issues.
Station wear rollout
Your union has now been informed that the next shipment of uniforms has landed on our shores and the further rollout to the regions will commence shortly.
Many of our members have expressed frustration that they have not yet received their first uniform issue.
Please remember that the UFUQ was not permitted to be involved in the design process, or rollout, under the previous state government, and has only recently began to consult on this issue.
Turnout Gear Laundering and Repairs
Your union has recently, again, informed the QFES about delays and issues around the laundering and repairs of turnout gear and equipment.
Reports of delays and lost equipment and clothing have been a constant problem, and have increased significantly in the past few weeks.
Therefore your union has asked that a QFES state audit on the lag time and associated issues is conducted.
You are asking loud and clear for solutions to be put into place across the state to ensure a quicker turnaround.
I will keep you informed of the audit results and what the current issues are in the coming newsletters.
I ask that your Station Officer immediately notifies your Inspector if you are running short of turnout gear due to this issue.
Modern Awards – Update
Your union has been negotiating with QFES on the content of the firefighters and firecom awards and working towards having a draft submitted to the QIRC by the deadline, this Friday 22 April.
Once the first draft is supplied, there will be a conciliation conference at the QIRC on Tuesday 10 May 2016.
I will report back to you about the process of the modernisation of your awards after that first conference.
The process is scheduled to be finished by late May or early June 2016.
Industrial officers from the state office will make a visit to a number of stations across the state to run sessions on the new modern awards and what they mean for members. I will inform you of those station meetings once they have been scheduled.
Your union has a meeting with the management team responsible for the restart of FFF and RAAP. The meeting is scheduled for Friday 22 April 2016.
I will provide a further report on the recommencement of FFF and RAAP after that meeting has been held.
If you have questions or comments about the recommencement of FFF and/or RAAP, send them to and we will respond accordingly.
UFU Fee Increase
As decided by the State Committee of Management and in line with previous years, membership fees will increase on 1 July 2016 by 0.50c per week for full time firefighters and full time, part time and casual fire communication officers and 0.50c per month for auxiliary firefighters.
Branch Committee of Management Elections
The Australian Electoral Commission has now declared the following positions.
John Burrows South West Officer delegate
Paul Omanski Brisbane officer delegate
Richard McCluskey Brisbane firefighter delegate
There are still three vacancies on State Committee which are, Brisbane firefighter delegate, communication officer delegate and auxiliary south delegate. If you are interested in taking up one of these positions, please contact the office on 1800 816 589 to discuss.
Local branch elections will be held again in the coming months.