CODE 2, VOL 30, NO 17 : 10 may 2016
The Australian Electoral Commission has provided to your union the formal result of the recent election held for the position of Branch President of the United Firefighters Union Queensland Branch.
The AEC has notified your union that the successful candidate was Larry Cullen. Your union congratulates Larry and also thanks all those involved in the election process, the nominees and those who voted. You may be aware that Larry has been acting in the role since 11 December 2015.
A copy of the Declaration results report is available from the union office on request.
There are a number of positions that will be recalled again for election in the coming months –
• Brisbane Region Firefighter Delegate
• Communications Delegate
• Auxiliary South Delegate.
On Tuesday 10 May 2016 the first ‘award modernisation’ conciliation conference was held at the QIRC, with your union, the SOU and Together union, and QFES all present.
Prior to the conciliation conference, your union, through negotiation, was able to obtain agreement from QFES on all award content relevant to firefighters and communications officers.
Particular aspects of the modern award relating to members of the SOU and Together unions are yet to be finalised.
The two existing awards (for firefighting and for communications) are being consolidated by the QIRC into one modern award. However the agreement between your union and QFES on full consent on all content included that no entitlements were diminished for UFUQ members covered by the award.
A draft of the combined modern award is currently being assembled by the QIRC and a further conciliation conference will be held on Friday 20 May 2016.
I will provide a further update following that conference.