AUXILIARY UPDATE : 18 february 2020

Important notice regarding QSuper Income Protection

The UFUQ is frequently contacted by Auxiliary members with questions or concerns relating to superannuation, and the most common enquiry relates to Income Protection.

Many Auxiliary members assume that they are automatically covered by QSuper Income Protection if they have superannuation contributions going into a QSuper account.

Given the UFUQ is not licensed to provide superannuation advice, and does not have a full understanding of the insurance products provided by QSuper, your union has spoken at length to QSuper about this matter to find out some answers for you. 

Following our discussions QSuper have provided this fact sheet here

The UFUQ recommend that all Auxiliary members consider the advice provided in this fact sheet carefully. Particularly, QSuper’s advice that ‘If you’re an auxiliary firefighter and have superannuation contributions going into QSuper, Income Protection cover isn’t provided automatically when you start your role.’

Should you have any questions or concerns relating to Income Protection or your superannuation they should be directed to QSuper who can be contacted on 1300 360 750 (the UFUQ does not hold an Australian financial services licence and is therefore not authorised to provide advice on financial products, including superannuation).

John Oliver - General Secretary

Authorised by John Oliver General Secretary 
United Firefighters' Union of Australia, Union of Employees QLD