CODE 2, VOL 38, NO 25 : 26 november 2024
Additional payment:
You are no doubt aware your union obtained an inclusion in CA22 (clause 22 – QFES Operational Adjustment) that provides an additional payment to all members of 17.5% of 2.5 times your ‘normal fortnightly pay’ (17.5% of 200 hours).
Normal take home pay:
Normal take home pay is the full rate you receive in a fortnight, including any additional allowances and entitlements you receive. The calculation date of the entitlement is your full set of wages and entitlements on 1 December 2024, extrapolated out to the full entitlement of 200 hours.
Pro-rata payment:
There is also a pro-rata payment for those employed less than a full year, calculated on the same 1 December amounts for a percentage of the full entitlement divided by how long the member has been employed under CA22. So, for example, if you’ve been employed in QFES as a firefighter for six months, that’s 50% of 12 months, so 50% of the entitlement is calculated.
NOTE: Overtime is not included in this calculation.
Payment in first pay December 2024:
As previously agreed, the payment will be scheduled for the first pay week in December. I can also confirm the payment will be superannuated.
Christmas is coming:
I would like to think the payment each year in December is positively received by members heading into what is for most of us, the most expensive time of the year. I would also add that the payment only exists through the work of your union. Finally, the payment is far in excess of your UFUQ dues for the year. It’s rare that one of your colleagues is not a UFUQ member, but perhaps these facts ought to be pointed out to those people.
Payment errors:
Historically, mistakes have been made in payments like these. So, if you receive what you think is an incorrect payment, raise it with your local HR and payroll in the first instance, by email. If you have no success, please email the state office with the details to
John Oliver - General Secretary
Authorised by John Oliver General Secretary
United Firefighters' Union of Australia, Union of Employees QLD