United Firefighters Union Queensland


Code 2, Vol 26, No 42 - Joint Petition - UFU and UV

In this Edition - UFU and UV have organised a petition to the Minister for Communiyt Safety. Please visit this site.

Code 2, Vol 26 No 41 - The March is on!

In this edition - Location and time for the march.

Code 2, Vol 26, No 40 - It's Time to March on Parliament!

In this edition - Fireifghters and Ambulance Officers to march through the streets of Brisbane on the 21st August 2012.

EB Newsletter 12-2012 - The Story Continues

In this Edition - QIRC conferences this week and Members to show support in the near future.

Code 2, Vol 26, No 39 - Our Brave New World

In this Edition - Government makes further industrial changes.


The United Firefighters' Union in Queensland represents Urban firefighters, both career, part-time, Scientific Officers and Communication Officers. The union is made up of members throughout the state of Queensland, as far as Thursday Island to the North and to the borders of our great state. READ MORE