United Firefighters Union Queensland


Code 2, Vol 26, No 36 - Claims of Fiskville Contamination and Exposure

In this edition - Bulletin from UFU National Office - Respected former CFA Chief Officer's Claims of Fiskville contamination and exposure vindicated by internal report. United Firefighters Union of Australia calls for protection of Firefighters

Code 2, Vol 26, No 35 - QLD Branch Elections

In this edition - Recall of elections for QLD Branch Committee of Mangement Firefighter Delegates for North Coast and South West Regions.

EB Newsletter 8-2012 - Payroll Deduction for Union dues, Industrial Laws, Protected action and update on Enterprise Bargaining for all members

In this Edition - Government changes industrial laws, QFRS demands, Aggregate wage as proposed by QFRS, Negotiations, Members response, Branch resolutions, Protected action, Protected action ballots, Union campaigns, United Voice/UFUQ, Auxiliaries and Action.

Rally and Joint Conference - Firies and Ambos join forces

The UFU asked for a small delegation of Firefighters and Ambulance Officers to show support for other workers who attended a Rally at Parliament house. A conference was held the same day with the State Secretaries of the united Firefighters Union and United Voice with continuing discussions with Enterprise Bargaining.

Code 2, Vol 26, No 34 - Recall of Positions for Local Branch Elections

In this edition - elections called for local branches


The United Firefighters' Union in Queensland represents Urban firefighters, both career, part-time, Scientific Officers and Communication Officers. The union is made up of members throughout the state of Queensland, as far as Thursday Island to the North and to the borders of our great state. READ MORE