United Firefighters Union Queensland


EB Newsletter 4-2012 - Enterprise Bargaining Negotiations Start

In this edition - QFRS to meet with UFU over EB.

Broadcast of UFU in Queensland Parliament - Industrial Relations Bill 2012

In this edition - Hearing at QLD Parliament.

Broadcast of UFU in Queensland Parliament - Industrial Relations Bill 2012

In this edition - Hearing at QLD Parliament.

EB Newsletter 3-2012 - Count Down to Fire Calls Only

In this edition - FIre calls only to commence in 54 days!

Code Red, Vol 3, No 2 - Medical and Fitness Test Pilot

In this edition - UFUQ Members to cease any participation in QFRS Wellness medical testing or physical fitness testing until further notice.


The United Firefighters' Union in Queensland represents Urban firefighters, both career, part-time, Scientific Officers and Communication Officers. The union is made up of members throughout the state of Queensland, as far as Thursday Island to the North and to the borders of our great state. READ MORE