United Firefighters Union Queensland


Code 2, Vol 26, No 38 - "Fire Calls Only" Industrial Action Suspended until further Notice.

In this Edition - Fire Calls suspended until further notice due to Queensland Industrial Relations Commission decision.

EB Newsletter 10-2012 - EB Update and QIRC Involvement

In this edition - Protected Industrial action and QIRC intervention.

EB Newsletter 9-2012 - EB Update as the story unfolds

In this edition - What you are not being told about your conditions of employment

Code 2, Vol 26, No 37 - EB Negotiations - QIRC to intervene

In this edition - Fire Service throw in the towel over EB negotiations

Code 2, Vol 26, No 36 - Claims of Fiskville Contamination and Exposure

In this edition - Bulletin from UFU National Office - Respected former CFA Chief Officer's Claims of Fiskville contamination and exposure vindicated by internal report. United Firefighters Union of Australia calls for protection of Firefighters


The United Firefighters' Union in Queensland represents Urban firefighters, both career, part-time, Scientific Officers and Communication Officers. The union is made up of members throughout the state of Queensland, as far as Thursday Island to the North and to the borders of our great state. READ MORE