CODE 2, VOL 38, NO 14 : 24 may 2024
Today marks the one year anniversary of the certification of CA22. So whilst it’s important to note this passing of a full year since commencement, it’s hardly a cause for celebration.
UFUQ members can be rightfully proud of what was achieved in bargaining, CA22 provides (what can be) the best ever set of working conditions for you and your colleagues.
Members have seen increases in remuneration and allowances and a handful of newly developed policies continue to improve how you are compensated for the work you do.
Unfortunately however, there are several issues still outstanding.
Despite the best efforts of your Union, a number of crucial work value reviews (JEMS) are yet to commence.
In addition to this, the negotiation and development of several policies agreed to at the bargaining table, have stalled. Members awaiting JEMS and professional reviews would be well aware that they are yet to commence.
The replacement of sick leave counts with a new crewing and rostering model is progressing well, but so crucial to the way almost all members work that it must take time to be as right as it can be, so your union will not rush into commencement of a new rostering model until we are sure it’s correct.
Despite these mixed results, we remain optimistic that we can achieve the goals of CA22 and build on them again in next year’s bargaining period.
Members should also be aware that the COLA payment that makes up a part of your wages offer will not be paid this year. The COLA payment is only made when the consumer price index (CPI) is greater than your wage increases for that year. As last year’s increase was 4% and the March CPI was 3.2%, there is no entitlement to an additional payment under the scheme in 2024.
One good piece of news is the final annual wage rise for members occurs on 1 July 2024 with a 3% lift in your wages, and almost all allowances as well (not the aerial allowance as it is linked to the award changes).
John Oliver - General Secretary
Authorised by John Oliver General Secretary
United Firefighters' Union of Australia, Union of Employees QLD