United Firefighters Union Queensland


Code 2, Vol 26, No 84 - Leave Audits

In this Edition - If you have recently been audited and are able to demonstrate that the data used was incorrect, or if you have other evidence that the result is incorrect, please advise your union using the attached form, and include your evidence.

Newsletter 2012 - UFUQ Year in review

2012 has been a major year for our union; considerable new challenges were presented to us and these will continue into 2013. I have summarised just a few notable issues from last year. Please keep reading.

UFUQ Auxiliary Update - 7 December 2012

In this Edition - First Award for Auxiliaries, request for interim improvements to the Standing Order, Charter for Auxiliary and Permanent firefighters, Auxiliary training night visits in 2013 and your Auxiliary contacts.

Code Red, Vol 3, No 25 - QFRS threaten to sack firefighters

In this Edition - QFRS are sinking to desperate conduct in their attempts to shore up a disintegrating service.

Code 2, Vol 26, No 83 - Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into State IR Laws and Eureka Stockade Anniversary – 3rd December.

In this Edition - Please note that a motion introduced by Queensland Greens Senator, Larissa Waters has been approved by the Senate. Also in this edition, December 3rd anniversary of the attack by government troops on the “Diggers” at the Eureka Stockade in 1854.


The United Firefighters' Union in Queensland represents Urban firefighters, both career, part-time, Scientific Officers and Communication Officers. The union is made up of members throughout the state of Queensland, as far as Thursday Island to the North and to the borders of our great state. READ MORE