CODE 2, VOL 29, NO 43 : 05 november 2015

Local Branch Elections

As members are aware local branch election nominations are now closed. 

Please find below the details of the certificate of election issued by the Electoral Commission of Queensland.


I, JAMES SPENCER STUART, an officer of the Electoral Commission of  Queensland assigned to conduct an election by the Industrial Registrar in Decision  RIO 2015/107 issued pursuant to the Industrial Relations Act 1999, DECLARE THAT: 

PAUL MULLENS is elected to the office of Brisbane South Branch President;

ALEX LOUDON is elected to the office of Mt Isa Branch President;

IAN LOUDON is to the office of Mt Isa Branch Secretary;

BRUCE EVERNDEN is elected to the office of Mt Isa Branch Officer Executive Representative;

BRENDEN PHILLIPS is elected to the office of Mt Isa Branch Firefighter Executive Representative;

ANDREW JUSTIN SURMAN is elected to the office of Sunshine Coast Branch Secretary;

ASHLEY PAGE is elected to the office of Sunshine Coast Branch Firefighter Executive Representative; and

PETER MARTEN is elected to the office of Townsville Branch President;

within the UNITED FIREFIGHTERS' UNION OF AUSTRALIA. UNION OF EMPLOYEES. QUEENSLAND to take up and hold office in accordance with the rules of the Industrial Organisation.


John Oliver - State Secretary