CODE 2, VOL 38, NO 7 : 26 March 2024


On Tuesday 26 March 2024, the UFUQ will appear in person at the Public Hearing in Queensland parliament before the Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee. The Public Hearing is an opportunity for the Committee to ask questions of individuals and organisations that have made submissions to the Committee in consideration of the Bill that proposes the amendments to the current FES Act 1990.

The UFUQ has made several submissions to the Committee, and you can find them all here and here.

You can find all submissions to the Committee under the submissions tab in the heading here

The Committee will consider all information received, written and verbal, and will provide a Committee Report to the parliament on 19 April.  I will provide another update to all members in the interim.

John Oliver - General Secretary



Authorised by John Oliver General Secretary 
United Firefighters' Union of Australia, Union of Employees QLD