CODE 2, VOL 38, NO 11 : 02 may 2024
On 2 May 2023 FF Izzy Nash passed away as a result of injuries she sustained on the job at a structure fire. Izzy’s colleague Lia Drew was also badly injured in the same indecent.
Today is 2 May 2024, and already a year has passed since we lost our colleague. I am aware many of you are still deeply affected by FF Nash’s loss and I share all UFUQ member’s sense of loss. I was pleased to see that Izzy’s family today received a memorial medallion in her honour and her name was added to the national emergency services memorial wall in Canberra.
Today and every day we need to remember the ultimate sacrifice Izzy and many other fallen colleagues made in the line of duty.
John Oliver - General Secretary
Authorised by John Oliver General Secretary
United Firefighters' Union of Australia, Union of Employees QLD