AUXILIARY UPDATE : 05 october 2023


The Queensland government has released the final report of the independent review into the operation of Queensland’s workers’ compensation scheme.

You can find a copy of the final report here.

You may recall your union made submissions to the review (see Code 2 Vol 37 No 2 of 25 January 2023). We also met with the review team, and we also met with the Minister to discuss our position on presumptive laws.

I am very pleased to report that the independent reviewers took note of your union’s submissions (written and verbal), and the report includes a recommendation to increase the number of deemed diseases from 12 to 22.

Having presumption of injury for 22 diseases will be the highest number of deemed diseases covering firefighters in the world.

The diseases recommended for addition to Queensland’s current presumptive cancer laws are –

1. Asbestos related diseases
2. Primary site liver cancer
3. Primary site lung cancer
4. Primary site skin cancer
5. Primary site cervical cancer
6. Primary site ovarian cancer
7. Primary site pancreatic cancer
8. Primary site penile cancer
9. Primary site thyroid cancer
10. Malignant mesothelioma

Whilst UFUQ members contracting these diseases is not prevented by these laws, they make the process of obtaining workers’ compensation as smooth and simple as possible.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the independent reviewers.

II also want to make it very clear to all members that it was only your Queensland union that made these submissions regarding increasing coverage of the presumptive laws to you and your colleagues.  I am aware some of you have been contacted by other organisations claiming they're working to promote your health and safety. But none of the following organisations made any submissions –

- United Firefighters’ Union Australia (the UFUA)
- Senior Officers’ Union (the SOU)
- Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES)
- Australasian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC)

Only your Queensland union is working with you, and for you.

We are continuing to work with the Queensland government on these presumptive law increases.  There is a process to get these recommendations into legislation and your union will continue to be directly involved at each stage.

I’ll keep you updated on the presumptive cancer law increases as they work their way through to the laws commencing (we hope within the next 6 months). I also wanted to point out the new list of diseases will only be covered for presumption of employment after the new laws commence, there will be no backdating for a diagnosis prior to the new laws starting.

I’ll provide an update on other works done by your union on workers’ compensation laws that will come about through other recommendations in the review report.

John Oliver - General Secretary

Authorised by John Oliver General Secretary 
United Firefighters' Union of Australia, Union of Employees QLD