AUXILIARY UPDATE : 03 september 2021


On 30 August 2021, following submissions on your behalf by your union through the Queensland Council of Unions (who present the combined formal position of all unions), the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (the QIRC) handed down it’s 2021 State Wage Case Decision.

In that Decision the QIRC ordered a 2.5% wage rise to award wages from 1 September 2021.

You will recall that your award provides for wage rises each year in line with this Decision.

This means that the minimum base hourly rates prescribed in clause 12 of your award will be adjusted, and this will flow on to other award rates and allowances. For example, there will also be a 2.5% adjustment to the Captains, On-Call, and Retention allowances.

The QIRC Registry has published an updated award, which includes your adjusted wage rates. You can find it on their website here  The new dollar amounts prescribed in the updated award reflect the 2021 Decision.

As always, it will take QFES and Queensland Shared Services a while to sort out the administrivia required to implement this wage rise in their sophisticated payroll system so I will update you once I receive confirmation of the pay cycle within which your wage and entitlements adjustments will be made.

John Oliver - General Secretary

Authorised by John Oliver General Secretary 
United Firefighters' Union of Australia, Union of Employees QLD