AUXILIARY UPDATE : 19 December 2022

Auxiliary Update

19 December 2022


The silly season is upon us once again and on behalf of the UFUQ I wish every member a safe and Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.

This year has had many challenges, but we have plenty to celebrate. Particularly, the finalisation of Auxiliary Firefighter Deployment Conditions (which you can read about here, a 4.6% increase to award wage and allowance rates, and the announcement of the impending reform of QFES.

I hope you all get some much needed rest, and to spend time with family and friends.

But many of you will be working long and hard during this period protecting your communities from bushfires, cyclones, and floods, and the separation from loved ones can be difficult.

For those that may find this time of year difficult, remember, help is there if you need it.

Stay safe and look out for each other.

I look forward to working with you all in 2023.


While the UFUQ state office remains open year-round for urgent contacts regarding industrial matters, please be advised that administration staff will be on annual leave from the evening of 22 December 2022 until 9 January 2023.

If you require anything from administration during this time such as a change of address or contact details, including station, rank, bank account details, or personal email address, please forward your changes to or update on our website here. The UFUQ office administration staff will ensure all administrative matters are dealt with promptly, on their return.

If you urgently need to speak to a union representative during this period, it is best that you contact your local UFUQ branch representative or SCM representative in the first instance. If further assistance is required, they will be in contact with UFUQ Industrial Officers over this period.

You can find the contact details for your local UFUQ branch representative or SCM representative here.


I would like to remind members to either install or update your UFUQ HOTSPOT app on your smart phone.

Communication is constantly published to your emails, and to the app, and ensuring the app is installed and/or updated will allow you to have access to all information your state office puts out.

For current users:
Please ensure that you have notifications turned on for the app.

For new users:
Please follow these instructions to access the UFUQ app:
1. Go to your app store icon on your iPhone or Android device and type in the search menu “UFUQ hotspot”.
2. Download the app to your phone.
3. Enter your username (badge number) and password (1234).

Please ensure that you have notifications turned on for the app.

2023 DIARY

Your 2023 diary will be mailed out in late December.

Please contact the union office to update address details if required.


Your 2023 UFUQ member helmet sticker is also in the pack coming to you.

You will recall you have the right to place your union sticker on your turn out helmet.

If any manager suggests the UFUQ 2023 member sticker cannot be worn on the helmet, contact your local delegate immediately.

John Oliver - General Secretary


Authorised by John Oliver General Secretary 
United Firefighters' Union of Australia, Union of Employees QLD